Seriously, how rad is this Bioshock bento box? See more awesome video game themed bento boxes here.
Tag: bento
Great Bento Boxes
Aibento has a great post full of bento boxes. The one above is only one of the many adorable designs on the site. You have to go take a look at the whole collection to appriciate the awesomeness magnitude of these dishes.
Ichi The Killer Bento Box
If you’re sick of cutesie bento boxes or if you just love horror flicks, you’ll dig this Ichi the Killer bento box on Flickr. Sakurako Kitsa made the face with mustard and turkey.
This is from the very memorable part of the movie where he inhales deeply on his cigarette and blows the smoke out the slits in his cheeks.
Daily Goodness
Quote of the Day:
“Beware of him that is slow to anger; for when it is long coming, it is the stronger when it comes, and the longer kept. Abused patience turns to fury.” -Francis Quarles
Fact of The Day:
Kim Jong is convinced a triplet will topple his regime and as such, puts all triplets in crappy orphanages where they are left to die. –Source
Today’s Holiday:
More Herbs Less Salt Day –Sounds like my cooking everyday.
Link of the Day:
Hungry? Too bad. You certainly won’t want to eat these adorable bento boxes.