Food Interesting

The 5 Most Expensive Beers Ever

I’ve always wanted to try Sam Adam’s Utopia, the 50 proof beer that goes for over $100 per bottle. While it was at one point the most expensive beer in the world, it’s now dropped down to #4 on the list and here are the rest.

Art Funny

Gorilla in Shark Pants

Not much more to say other than awesome!

Art Food Interesting

7 Awesome Abandoned Brewies

Urban explorers love abandoned places and most like microbrews too, which is why abandoned breweries are such an awesome target.


Delightfully Different Milkshakes

Who doesn’t love a milkshake (besides those with severe lactose intolerance)? If you’re tired of regular old strawberry, vanilla and chocolate though, these delightful recipes are sure to help “shake” things up.


Fried Beer: Delicious Drunken Ravioli Filling

If you liked the idea of beer popsicles, then fried beer might also be something you’d like. Bring them both to the county fair next year and you’re sure to be one of the richest concession stands around.


Beer Popicles: A Great Summer Treat

If you want a beer, but are looking something even cooler for this killer August heat, try a beer popsicle. Simply crack open the tab, add some simple syrup and lime juice, then insert a stick and when it’s frozen, cut open the other end. Sounds like a good experiment for my other blog, the Cheapskate’s Handbook.

Interesting Weird news

Beer Pong Linked To Herpes Rise


I don’t hate booze, but I really do think drinking games are pathetic most of the time. Maybe it’s because my ex of three years was an obsessive beer drinker. Regardless, I couldn’t help but laugh when I read this headline. Funny enough, they’re only talking about oral herpes from sharing glasses, not the other kind from losing one too many beer pong games.

* In 100% unrelated news, I added a new post on Cheapskate’s Handbook for the first time in a long time. Go look if you like free sandwiches and taking care of your pets.


If You Thought Your Family Was Embarassing

Than take some comfort in knowing that at least you aren’t a U.S. president. Mental Floss has more about the horrible humiliation presidents have had from their no-good family members. Above -Billy Carter’s beer.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Our incomes are like our shoes; if too small, they gall and pinch us; but if too large, they cause us to stumble and to trip.” -John Locke

Fact of the Day:
In Babylon, beer was rationed according to a person’s social standing – those high in society such as high priests, were allotted five litres of beer per day. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
The feasts of Caprotinia, a Roman celebration of female slaves. How fun!

Link of th Day:
Have some delicious and pretty Jell-O shots while punishing yourself for owning female slaves.

New Products or Services

Buy A Buddy A Beer -Online

I have to say, I think is a brilliant idea. You can now buy anyone across the country a beer that they can redeem wherever they live. Huge places like TGIFridays, Chilli’s and Bennigan’s take part in the program, so no matter where you are, there’s probably a place to redeem your brew.

Buy your interweb or WOW buddies a drink, hooray!

Personally, I’d rather see a cocktail one, but this is a good start.

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