I love this comic book idea. Seriously, what could be better than Jesus beating the pants off zombies? Thank you Yesbutnobutyes.
I love this comic book idea. Seriously, what could be better than Jesus beating the pants off zombies? Thank you Yesbutnobutyes.
That’s right folks, some awesome folks in Philly built a sixty foot tall pinata that was cracked open with a wrecking ball. Check it out.
Mon Calamari wanna Leia sounds like a bad Hawaiian fish joke, but it’s actually a bad Star Wars wedding joke in this case. Man, I wish I was invited to go. I wonder if he took of the mask for the wedding night fun time.
Thanks Neatorama.
Web Urbanist has some excellent examples of Steampunk designs and what not. It’s definately a good follow up to the first set of Comic Con pics I posted yesterday.
While I’m on the subject, read this great imaginary letter where Timothy McSweeney tries to explain to his parents that he’s into steampunk. Via Boing Boing.