
Jesus Hates Zombies

200902040931I love this comic book idea. Seriously, what could be better than Jesus beating the pants off zombies? Thank you Yesbutnobutyes.


Attack of the 60′ Pinata

That’s right folks, some awesome folks in Philly built a sixty foot tall pinata that was cracked open with a wrecking ball. Check it out.

Comic-Con Weddings

Awesomest Dork Wedding Ever

Mon Calamari wanna Leia sounds like a bad Hawaiian fish joke, but it’s actually a bad Star Wars wedding joke in this case. Man, I wish I was invited to go.  I wonder if he took of the mask for the wedding night fun time.
Thanks Neatorama.

Awesome sites

Steampunk Designs And Fashion

Web Urbanist has some excellent examples of Steampunk designs and what not. It’s definately a good follow up to the first set of Comic Con pics I posted yesterday.

While I’m on the subject, read this great imaginary letter where Timothy McSweeney tries to explain to his parents that he’s into steampunk. Via Boing Boing.