Art Interesting

Heidi Tailefer’s Gorgeous Artwork

This “Venus” painting by Heidi Tailefer is simply jaw-dropping. Be sure to check out her portfolio to enjoy more of her amazing works.

Art Geekery

Mario Art Created In Excel

Now that is an absolutely awesome waste of time.

Art Graffiti Interesting

Before You Die

What do you want to do before you die? It’s an interesting topic of discussion that makes for an equally interesting topic of street art. Artist Candy Chang painted this in New Orleans, providing ample chalk for anyone interested in adding to the discussion.

Art Interesting

Play Doh Car Replica

That cyclist has every reason to be distracted by that lifelike car. It’s actually made of 1.5 tons of Play Doh.

Art Food Geekery

Reimagined Cereal Characters

A great collection of reimagined cereal mascots.

Animals Console Games Geekery Lol kittehs

LOLCats Take On Comics & Video Games

I would totally buy this game.

Animals Art Geekery

Tom Hardwidge’s Steampunk Bugs

These steampunk insects use bullets and sheet metal to create fascinating and beautiful works of art. Be sure to click the link to check out more of his great pieces.

Animals Art Interesting

Let Sleeping Kitties Lie

Theresa Knudson’s portraits of her kitty’s dreams are simply precious.

Food Funny Sickening

A Cabin Made From Bacon

I’m suddenly hungry and repulsed at the same time.

Animals Art Interesting

Sculptures Sure To Bug

These brilliant works of art are made from hollowed out bug carcasses. They’re both creepy and thought-provoking.