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Cosplay As A Butterfly or Moth With These Capes & Scarves


Whether you love insects or just fun fashion accessories, you need to check out the amazing and imaginative scarves and capes of Etsy seller El Costurero Real.


Their delicate scarves and capes are a brilliant way to help you metamorphosize into the beautiful butterfly or moth you always knew you could be -and how many other fashion accessories give you the chance to do that?


Of course, since the page has been “discovered,” their butterfly and moth item selection has been dropping rapidly, so if you want one, you’d probably better act now.

Via Geek Girls

Entertainment Fashion Geekery Movies TV

This Tie Fighter Fascinator Is Fascinating


Need something a little fancy to spruce up your outfit but don’t want to miss the chance to show off your geek side? Then try this great tie fighter headband.