Comic-Con Entertainment Fashion Geekery Hotties RTD Original

Sexy Comic Con Dudes

My apologies ladies, but I didn’t get that many photos of sexy gents this year, but on the upside, the quality of these muscle men makes up for their low numbers.

Magic Mike, thank you for spreading to Comic Con.

He might be bloody, but he’s got a great body under the blood and ink.

Of course, if you prefer the more traditional Wolverine, here you go.

Sorry guys, I’m out of singles.

If there aren’t enough guys for you here, check out this list of hotties from last year.

Art Geekery

If Memes Had Movie Posters

They would almost certainly look like this poster series by Stefan Von Zoggel.

Food Interesting

WANT: Cotton Candy Filled With Pop Rocks

The best part of cotton candy is the texture, so imagine combining that amazing feeling with the delightful crackle and pop of Pop Rocks! Now that’s a party in your mouth and Tiki Pop is here to please. The product is currently out of stock, but when available, it comes in coconut, blue raspberry, pina colada and strawberry. Yumm!


Entertainment Geekery

If the Doctors Were In Futurama

No, it’s not just a Doctor Who joke, there are all kinds of great doctors here, although Ten is the best!

Animals Videos

Getting In Shape For Bikini Season

It’s so much harder when you have such short, stubby legs.

Entertainment Geekery Hotties

Super Smash Bros. Burlesque

Now that’s sexy!!

Food Humor Interesting Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

The 12 Creepiest Baby Shower Cakes Ever

These range from disgusting to disturbing…and some are a bit of both.

Animals Crafts Geekery Interesting

It’s A Me A Mario De Cat!

Mario Hat For Cats Crochet

You can make your own kitty into a Mario cat with these great knitted caps from Etsy seller SaraiRose.

Art Entertainment Fashion Geekery Humor

When You Mix Fallout With Monty Python

You get the awesome shirt available today on Shirt Woot. It’s ok though, it’s merely a flesh wound.

Art Entertainment Geekery Other Arts & Entertainment

If Morrissey Got A Job

This delightful coloring book by Brian Brooks is simply wonderful.