Entertainment Fashion Geekery Interesting

I’d Watch Her Walk Away


Talk about sexy, well put together and geeky, these heels are totally babe-alicious.

Animals Entertainment Humor Videos

True Facts About the Echinda

Spoiler alert: they’re freaking weird!

Food Geekery Interesting

13 Great Geek Cocktails


From the Metroid to the Tick to the Giggling Yoda, these great cocktails all sound absolutely delicious and delightfully nerdalicious.

Animals Holidays Videos

20 Freaking Adorable Photos and Videos of X mas Animals



My newest feature on Oddee features some of the cutest and cuddliest critters ever born celebrating the holiday in style. Enjoy!




Animals Humor

This Dog Got Sent Home By the Principal

Even as an adult, the concept of getting sent home from the school with a note from the principal is intimating. That’s why Redditor goldenduke was so surprised and disappointed in his pup when he came home with a note from the principal -now that’s a whole new level of dog shaming.


Geekery Humor Interesting Politics

It All Makes Sense Now

I can’t tell if this is a joke or not -either way, awesome.


Can You Legally Kill Zombies?

San Diego defense lawyer Peter M. Liss says “sort of.”

Art Entertainment Geekery Movies TV

11 Great Sci Fi Tattoos

If you love tattoos and you love sci fi then you’ll love this collection of great sci fi tattoos I wrote for Oddee.

Animals Lol kittehs Videos

Tard May Look Grumpy, But He’s Really Just Fine

You’ve probably seen Tard the cat in memes, but now you know that he’s actually just a happy little guy who happens to have a grumpy-looking face.

Entertainment Movies TV New Products or Services Reviews RTD Original

Moonrise Kingdom: A Review

It’s hard to deny that Wes Anderson’s films all have a similar style and quirkiness. In fact, if you don’t like the dry humor in one of his movies, you probably won’t like any of his other films either. That being said, any fan can tell you that while they definitely have a similar vibe, his movies are all drastically different from one another, both in their storylines and the emotions you experience while watching them.

To that extent, his newest work, Moonrise Kingdom, is one of his most enjoyable films to date. While it might not be quite as humorous as my personal favorite, The Royal Tenenbaums, the story wonderful and delicate. Perhaps even more importantly, it makes the viewer actually feel the awkward emotions from their first romance -in its full embarrassing glory.


Essentially, the story is a simple tale of adolescent romance, but the lengths the two go through in the name of love remind you just how tragically desperate preteens feel the first time they experience a fluttering in their hearts. Combine the pre-pubescent romance with bad parents, adultery, a dedicated -but inept boyscout leader, social services, the wish-washy friendships of kids that age and the biggest storm of the century and you have a thrilling drama that is as touching as it is humorous.

Don’t take my word for it though, check out Moonrise Kingdom for yourself when it comes out on DVD and Blu-Ray on October 16.