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5 Places Around The Globe That Inspired Disney Movies

Most of us have seen at least one Disney movie, but not many people know that some places pictured in those amazing fairy tales are actually real! In fact, Disney was often inspired by real destinations around the globe and captured those places beauty in amazing cartoons.

If you need more proof, get acquainted with the five places here which indeed inspired Disney movies, rounded up thanks to the Travel Ticker team. Enjoy it!

Chateau de Chillon, Switzerland 


Sitting just nearby the beautiful lake of Geneva in Switzerland, you can find a castle which indeed looks like it was taken straight from a fairy tale. Chateau de Chillon dates back to when Roman Empire existed, and is a beautiful example of medieval architecture. Tourists love visiting this castle not only to admire its beauty but also to enjoy its beautiful surroundings as well. However, this is not why we are talking about it. In fact, this castle was the one which inspired Disney animators to create a Prince Eric’s seaside castle in The Little Mermaid. Some believe that even the rooms of the drawn castle represent the real ones is Switzerland. Visit one day and decide about this myth for yourself!

Eilean Donan Castle, Scotland


We are going to talk a lot about castles today, and you know it! And this one, located in Scotland was the one that inspired Pixar to create a castle where the heroes from the film Brave live. This breathtaking castle sits on an island in the middle where three grand sea lochs meet, surrounded by mountain scenery and making it look just exactly how we would imagine from our childhood fairy tales. The good thing is that the castle is pretty well preserved and open for tourists, so you can indeed enjoy walking around there and grasp the amazing atmosphere of beautiful Scotland.

Festival of Lights, Thailand


Ok, we just have to mention this festival here, because it is one of the most beautiful scenes (at least in my personal opinion) in any Disney movie and one of the most beautiful festivals in the world as well. The Festival of Lights is also called ‘Yi Peng’ and during the celebration, people light over a thousand lanterns and send them into the night’s sky all while making a wish. Sounds familiar? Yes, the exact “festival” was pictured in the most expensive Disney movie ever made, which you know by the name Tangled, and you can definitely experience the same beauty pictured in the cartoon in real life. Do we need to say more to entice you?

The Forbidden City, China


One of the mysterious cities in the history, the Forbidden City in Beijing, has inspired hundreds of movie makers all around the globe. Nowadays this amazing palace is open to the public, so you can definitely walk through the halls and enjoy its luxurious and amazing interior, which was pictured in the Disney movie Mulan. However, the timeline of the movie is set during the Han Dynasty,  from 200 B.C. to 200 A.D.; while the Forbidden City was built about 1,200 years later. While there are a few incorrect facts in the film, that doesn’t stop us from enjoying this amazing building and wonderful  movie!

New Orleans, Louisiana


Let’s end with the beautiful city of New Orleans, which was the main setting for the Disney movie The Princess and the Frog. Indeed, this city is well-known; with its famous Mardi gras celebration, the fact that it is the birthplace of many music genres like jazz or blues, and its rich culture, New Orleans is very inspiring. There is nothing surprising about this entry, it is impressive how precisely animators captured the spirit of this marvelous city in yet another one of their amazingly beautiful stories.

Advertising History Holidays Interesting Travel

The Most Haunted Destinations in Europe

With Halloween and all of its dark and ghostly delights fast approaching, we got to thinking about the spookiest holiday destinations in Europe.

After all, what could be a better way of indulging your love of all things spooky than booking a weekend in a haunted house or doing a tour around the most haunted locations in Europe? So, we took a look at just some of the places you could visit and be very scared by this Halloween. Just don’t look behind you!

The Famous Catacombs in Paris


OK, so you can’t stay in them exactly, but you can book a holiday in Paris and go and visit one of the most awe-inspiring tourist attractions in the French capital. The Paris Catacombs are basically a huge maze of crypts and tunnels that wind their way under the streets of the city, where the dead went to rest after the city ran out of space for more traditional cemeteries. The famous Paris Opera House is also worth visiting, not just because it’s utterly fabulous, but also because it’s the very real place Gaston Leroux based his story of the Phantom of the Opera – a legend that has captured imaginations for over 100 years. Perhaps the masked ghost is still lurking down there, hiding in the vast underground lagoon that sits below the Opera House…

Image by Joseph Holmes

Spain’s Faces in the Floor

Juan de la Cruz Moreno Balboa

If you’re into ghost stories then you will definitely have heard about Belmez de la Moraleda. The unassuming street in Spain has become extremely famous due to the scary faces that have been manifesting in the floor. They began in 1971 and have been photographed frequently. It was found that there were human remains beneath the floor, which were then removed but it’s a very evocative place to visit. If you’re on holiday in Spain this Autumn, and particularly over Halloween, consider making the journey, it doesn’t have to be an expensive diversion either. It’s easily reachable from various resorts like Malaga, so a bit of searching online should come up with cheap flights to Malaga and a hire car to get you to your haunted destination. Just try not to be too frightened!

Image by Juan de la Cruz Moreno Balboa

Glamis Castle – The Most Haunted Castle in Scotland


Scotland is pretty famous for revelling in its many haunted houses and spooky places to visit so you will be spoiled for choice if you’ve decided to head up north this Halloween. But for one of the best, and most notorious, places to stay, try Glamis Castle. It’s a fabulous Gothic castle, which looks like it has come straight out of the Addam’s Family, and according to all the tourist guides of the region, is bound to give you the willies should you be brave enough to spend a night within its scary walls.

Image by Diego’s Sideburns

Visit the Real Dracula in Romania


You can’t go to haunted places in Europe and miss out on the residence of one of the most notoriously scary people ever. Vlad the Impaler is the inspiration for Stoker’s Dracula and his place of residence was Poienari Castle. In fact, it’s also the place where he tortured so many enemies to death by calmly popping them on stakes and then holding a feast while listening to their cries of agony. Soak up the atmosphere of the castle and nearby Lake Snagov, which is where he is thought to be buried.

Image by Richard Mortel

Follow the Footsteps of Jack the Ripper in London


London’s East End is where the infamous and famous serial killer known as Jack the Ripper stalked his prey in the late 19th century. The mystery of his identity has never been solved and his story is grimly fascinating. You can book on to a guided walk which will show you every murder spot and all the other venues with which he is associated. You never know, maybe you’ll be inspired enough to solve the mystery once and for all!

Image by Jamie Durant

Know of any other great haunted destinations worth visiting? Feel free to share your stories in the comments!

Art Geekery Travel

Travel Posters Featuring Imaginary Creatures


The art of retro travel posters is simply fantastic, but it can be made better -especially when you start adding in mythological creatures like the chupacabra, bigfoot and more. Suddenly, I really want to visit Puerto Rico.

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7 Beautiful and Eerie Abandoned Churches


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Animals Nature Travel

If This Doesn’t Make You Want to Visit Scotland, Nothing Will


Seriously, Shetland ponies in Shetland wool sweaters posed in Shetland.

Entertainment Geekery Interesting Travel

A Fun Look At China’s Knock Off WOW Theme Park


Joyland World is China’s unlicensed World of Warcraft theme park. Redditor FrancescaO_O visited the park and uploaded a ton of pictures of the park. You can see them on or Geekologie.

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Great Street Art From East London

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Interesting Travel

14 Abandoned Morgues

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Art Graffiti Travel

Cool and Trippy Canera Graffiti

Artists Janna and JS wanted to make their graffiti interact with the viewers in any given city, so they started painting each other holding cameras. While seeing these artworks in person is pretty cool, it also results in even more amazing photos, where the art looks like it is taking a picture of a passerby as someone else just happened to snap a picture of the action. Check out more of these great designs over at WebUrbanist.

History Holidays Travel

The Creepiest Places On Earth

If you’re dying for a good scare this Halloween, you may consider visiting one of these 9 terrifying tourist destinations.