Graffiti Politics Short Stories

Can I Predict The Future?

A while back I wrote a fictional news story about guerrilla city planners who illegally added stop signs and “keep clear” areas to city streets, making them safer for everyone. Looking back, I have to admit, the story wasn’t so great, but the concept was spot on.

Image via Kt Ann [Flickr]

Daily Goodness Poetry

Daily Goodness

Quote of the day:
“Before you can win, you have to believe you are worthy.” -Mike Ditka

Fact of the Day:
Alabama’s state beverage is Conecuh Ridge Whiskey. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
National Cream-Filled Donut Day….nom nom

Link of the Day:
10 weird things that have been swallowed.

Short Stories

Ruby Was Angry

A guest blogger at BoingBoing posted her short story today, Ruby Was Angry, and I love it. Please drop by and read  it, here’s a little sample -the first two paragraphs:

Ruby was angry. She didn’t really understand why—but as she stared at the man sprawled out on the floor of the airport, next to the sign for Gate 82 United Flight 899 to Tokyo’s Narita Airport, she began to realize just how angry she really was.

It quickly became clear to her that this anger was not a temporary function of seeing the sleeping man, but the delayed manifestation of a much more profound and long-existing anger that she had kept buried deep in her soul for a very long time. It was hard to say how long exactly. Her eyes narrowed and she bore her teeth like a rabid pit bull about to take a plunge. The fearsome expression on her face looked oddly out of place paired with her pink braided necklace and silver heart-shaped pendant with “RUBY KEILANA” printed daintily on its curve. Her reddish-brown hair stood on its ends like a cat sprayed with water.

New Products or Services Poetry

The Shitbox is A Good Thing?

I’m stuck between considering this brilliant and idiotic. Basically, it’s a cardboard toilet that’s easy to construct, use and dispose. It’s biodegradable too.

Pooping in public has never been so cute.

The bad side…is it really strong enough to hold a fat ass shitting for an hour? Also, won’t it leak after a very short amount of time?

Is this something that belongs in “Stupidest Inventions Ever,” or are you happy they finally created it?

[poll id=”1″]


Bob the Cow

There once was a cow named Bob
Carrots he liked to Rob
Big, bright beautiful carrots
Crispity, Crunchity Carrots
Then one day there was no more
So Bob walked to the store
He tried and tried to open the door
He opened it an inch, but no more
Suddenly it came to Bob
“I will steal corn on the cob”

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New Products or Services Poetry

Creepy Snow Globes

Throw him in the wellThese snow globes seen on InventorSpot are so creepy and strange, they are fantastic. Look at the whole series here.

Just a thought though, as much as kids like snowglobes, it may be a good idea to put these out of their hands. Most kids do not enjoy the thought of getting thrown down a well or eaten by a giant spider.

Short Stories

A Story Via Letters

I wrote this story a while ago, but I think it still depicts our modern society and human vs. corporate interactions. Let me know what you think if you read it all -it is rather long.

Short Stories

For My Father

I have a hard time writing about my dad. For one thing, I love and respect him more than anyone else I’ve ever met. For another, I know that he really loved his daughters more than anything else in this whole world. I’m not very good with organizing my thoughts and putting them down on paper when it comes to things I’m so passionate and biased about.

Humor Sex Short Stories

Ema Enema: A Short Story

Here’s a silly story I wrote a long time ago with some very adult themes. It has a bit of a fairy tale edge to it, so it reads pleasantly. Let me know if you like it, many people will be weirded out by it.


Viva La Muerte

Saw it. Sang it.
Rhyming reading wrong.
Fellatio fantasizes.
Fetishize fisticuffs
Sweet soul
Sweet sweet soul no sun
Got no home.
Scream n’ moan
Queenly queefs.
Keen Cake.
Dance darling.
Now, die.
Die die die.
Nothing sounds

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