I’m really proud of my newest InventorSpot article. It’s about 10 bacon products that have no actual food in them. While it’s not an item, I love the last picture in the peice enough to post it up here. It’s all about bacon defeating fries, although a bacon topped fries would be the ultimate power in office.
Category: New Products or Services
Strange, brilliant or terrible new products
This costume rocks. Thanks Gigglesugar.
My first article as a featured blogger on InventorSpot is up. Learn more about the prayer booth here.
I know that I like to point out horribly stupid products here, but this one is purely brilliant. A friend of mine at InventorSpot has written about this beaut. And yes, it is what you think it is -a George W. urinal. I say Obama’s new campaign slogan should become “A chicken in every pot and a Bush in every can.”  Who knows, maybe the lowbrow humor would even attract some of those “Good Ol” boys who are afraid of a black person in office.
Long time no post
Sorry loves, but I have had sickness and allergies that have made it a nightmare to function on a most basic level. I promise to start getting things back on track soon and as a first step, I thought I might tell those of you who are total drunks that Google feels your pain. In fact, they recently created a new Gmail service to stop you from sending out those pesky “drunk emails” to your friends and contacts. It’s called goggles and it requires you to answer a few math questions before the email can be sent.
Once you turn it on, you can adjust it to only work during the hours you are most likely to be tossed. So relax alcies, Gmail cares about you and the stupid shit you do while under the influence.
In case you still weren’t sure if PETA was full of complete psychopaths, you may enjoy knowing that they recently wrote Ben and Jerrys requesting they start using breast milk in their ice cream instead of cow milk. They claim that since cow milk was never meant for humans, it shouldn’t be used in ice cream. B&J’s may be liberal, but they aren’t morons, so they told PETA where they could stick it…in much nicer terms. -For more info.
I love Elite Banana. I have one of my own and he always makes me giggle. He’s wonderfully Japanese. This was my first big chance to get to write about him. Hip hip horray! Check it out, it’s entertaining and loveable.
I know that human sexuality is a beautiful, bizarre and complex thing, but as accepting and non-judgmental as I try to be, some things are just not right. There are certain sex inventions that should not be created, sold or used. Why someone would invent these things is weird enough, but the fact that all kinds of people are buying them is even stranger.
The pentagon has come up with some really moronic “terrorist” threats since 9-11, but I sincerely think this one might take the cake. They have decided that terrorists will plan attacks on the White House or other major targets using gaming social network sites like WOW. That’s right, terrorists are going to create warlocks so they can elaborately line up real world maps over World Of Warcraft lands and then discuss attacking the areas with “spells.” Are you shaking in your shoes yet? Yeah, me neither.
I hate the direction our country is headed when it comes to this insane paranoia. The yeti expedition is more likely to find something real than the government is at this point.
Hooray, I’ve just got my second article up at InventorSpot. Check it out, it’s all about “beary” good technology. Knuck knuck knuck.