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Cosplay As A Butterfly or Moth With These Capes & Scarves


Whether you love insects or just fun fashion accessories, you need to check out the amazing and imaginative scarves and capes of Etsy seller El Costurero Real.


Their delicate scarves and capes are a brilliant way to help you metamorphosize into the beautiful butterfly or moth you always knew you could be -and how many other fashion accessories give you the chance to do that?


Of course, since the page has been “discovered,” their butterfly and moth item selection has been dropping rapidly, so if you want one, you’d probably better act now.

Via Geek Girls

Animals Nature Wildlife

What’s In Your Mulch?


When you open up a bag of mulch, the last thing you expect to find is a baby critter, but that’s exactly what one Imgur user discovered when he cut one open.



Fortunately for the squirrel, the man was a fan of animals, so he opted to bottle feed it and rescue the poor orphaned critter.


These days, the big healthy critter is named Zip and he’s so happy he’s even ready to take a roadtrip -let’s just hope he’s not the one driving though.

Via Cute Overload

Animals Humor Nature Wildlife

When Yogi Goes Out On the Water

What do bears do when they think no one is watching? They go out on jetskis, of course! After all, camping is only fun for a little while…after that, you need something else to entertain you.

Animals Nature Sex Videos Wildlife

True Facts About The Duck By Ze Frank

The bottom line: ducks are seriously disturbing social deviants.

Animals Lol kittehs Nature Videos Wildlife

Sometimes It’s Better When They Don’t Talk

But at least we can relate.

Animals Nature

15 Absolutely Precious Photos of Sloths


Happy Slotherday everyone. To celebrate the lazy weekend ahead, enjoy this adorable set of baby sloth photos.

Animals Nature Videos Wildlife

It’s Too Late For The Lonely Dodo

But there is still time to save these other endangered species from becoming the next lonely creature of their species with the help of the kind people at

Interesting Nature Science

7 Dirty But Fascinating Evolutionary Theories


Let’s talk about sex baby… or at least, lets talk about the evolutionary reasons we do it the way we do. For example, why do women have orgasms if they don’t play a direct role in getting them pregnant? Well:

One theory states that women have orgasms only because men have orgasms and, like male nipples, they are something that both sexes develop even if only one gender needs them. Other researchers argue that because orgasms feel good, having orgasms makes women more interested in sex, thus making them want to have sex more often, which would make them more likely to get pregnant. Yet another theory states that when women orgasm anytime between a minute before or forty-five minutes after the man ejaculates, their bodies retain more sperm.

Here are seven fascinating  theories behind our sexual evolution.

Animals Art Nature Wildlife

The 50 Best Animal Photos From 2012


Yes, 2012 is long over, but it’s never too late to appreciate these absolutely stunning pictures of animals taken throughout the course of the past year.

Animals Awesome sites Humor Nature Wildlife

WTF, Evolution?


WTF, Evolution is a great new blog that criticizes some of evolution’s most bizarre designs. For example the text for the guy above reads:

“Hey! Hey! I think I finally made something cute.”

“Oh, yeah? Let’s see.”

“It’s a ‘shoebill.’ It’s big and blue and adorable. Nice, right?”

“It’s… hm. I don’t know. I like the blue, but something about those eyes is kind of creeping me out right now.”

“What? Come on. Those are friendly eyes. It wants to be your friend.”

“Okay. Okay, yeah. You’re right, evolution, I’m sorry. Should I feed it, maybe? What does it eat?”

“Baby crocodiles.”

“Oh Jesus Christ.”

Yes, it is wonderful.