Like a real geek, Roy from the IT Crowd has a vast selection of awesome tees featuring snarky comments and inside jokes. If you ever saw one on the show and wished you could see the whole thing or wondered what the heck it was related to, you won’t want to miss Bite’s coverage of the best of Roys T-Shirts.
Category: Movies TV
My Little Ponies might be fun, but for some, the very notion of them being ponies is just too juvenile and cutesie. For that contingent, My Little Cephalopod by DeviantArt user Mimblex is a welcome alternative with all the allure and amazement a knitted squid can offer.
Only if you’re a traitorous rebel scum.
Firefly is awesome, but the crew of Serenity might be lucky they only lasted one season and a movie -otherwise they might have been caught and that would have been bad news. According to Peter Liss, even the actions they participated in during just the Ariel heist could put the whole crew behind bars for a very long time and River and Simon could even fact the death penalty!
Seriously, everyone needs to look sexy sometimes, even Chewie, Darth Vader and Boba Fett. Unfortunately, this isn’t the way to do it.
Need something a little fancy to spruce up your outfit but don’t want to miss the chance to show off your geek side? Then try this great tie fighter headband.
Wanna show your favorite geek that you get them and that you care? Then try one of these awesome Valentine’s Day cards spotted on The Mary Sue.
Oh Prince Leo, when will you stop putting yourself at risk for that rapscallion Helen Solo?
For only $4o, you too can wear your geek love right over your heart with this adorable Chewie necklace. Just look at those precious monster teeth.