It’s a great glass, but I don’t think I’d want to drink out of something that told me I’ve just been poisoned when I get to the bottom, even if it is just mimicking a scene from The Prisoner.
Category: Movies TV
The Doctor’s Companions
Available at Red Bubble if you’re ready to take a trip through time and space.
Now that’s trippy.
I don’t know about you, but I sure wouldn’t want to make out with Jar Jar, nor would I want any of these other ridiculous pieces of merchandise.
You’ve gotta love these commercials starring celebrities before they were famous.
Seriously, this might just be the most mind-blowingly awesome tattoo ever.
The show could have been so, so terrible.
10 Geeky Meccas
No matter what type of a geek you are, you’ll almost certainly want to visit at least one of these tourist destinations based around sci fi and fantasy works. Personally, I’d love to visit Cardiff Bay in Whales, where countless Doctor Who episodes have been filmed, along with pretty much all of Torchwood.
I am so all about this K9 cake!