Hotties Interesting Weird news

Hot New Internet Trend In China – The Underboob Pen Challenge


It seems the Chinese want to give the Japanese a run for their money when it comes to having a strange, and somewhat pervy, sense of humor, and thanks to the internet they get to share their strange obsessions with the world.

Their most recent viral pic sensation- boob pen. That’s right, stick a pen or pencil under your boob, snap a (generally not nude) pic and share it on social media.


What anyone but the pen gets out of this is beyond me, but the fun loving yet fickle nature of the internet almost guarantees this will become a thing across the globe for an internet minute.

Luckily, some women have already seen through this cup size shaming posing as a social media trend and have begun tucking pens and pencils under far less racy folds of skin.


And don’t forget about the fellas who came to show the world that boob pen isn’t just for the ladies. Why, that man has magical mammaries!


See China’s ‘Underboob Pen Challenge’ Is The Viral Meme That Won’t Let Go here

Art Humor Interesting Weird news

14 Hilarious Parody Twitter Accounts

Did you know the botched Jesus fresco now has its own Twitter account? Here are 13 other hilarious and stupid parody accounts you might enjoy following.

Geekery Hotties Interesting Weird news

Would You Visit A Sci Fi Brothel?

I know many people have watched Star Trek and dreamed of one day enjoying the company of the sexy green gals from other worlds. Or at least, that’s what Moonlight Bunnyranch owner Dennis Hof is hoping for as he prepares to open his new science fiction brothel.

Really though, if he just gets enough slave Leias running around, I’m sure he’ll be raking in a profit in no time. Would you stop by a house of ill-repute filled with alien babes?

Interesting Politics Weird news

Meanwhile, At Occupy Toronto

That’s right, while American protesters are arrested, harassed and beaten by cops, Canadians have squirt gun fights with their officers.

Drugs Interesting Politics Science Weird news

Does Marijuana Reduce Obesity?

Sure everyone jokes about how pot smokers are a bunch of lazy stoners who sits around and eat junk food all day, but despite the stereotypes, a new study shows that pot smokers are actually much less likely to be obese than those that don’t indulge.  So you can put your stereotype in your pipe and smoke it.

Interesting Weird news

8 People Kicked Off Planes For Dumb Reasons

If you are one of the many people who believes the TSA and other airline agencies have gotten ridiculous by now, you’re not alone, but once you’re on the plane, you aren’t necessarily safe. Here are 8 stories of people who have been kicked off planes for idiotic reasons.

Interesting Politics Weird news

6 Legal Ways Cops Can Mess With You

Next time someone tells you that only criminals should be paranoid of the police, be sure to show them this article.

Travel Videos Weird news

Heavy Winds Send Waterfall In Reverse

(Video Link)

While most of the US is suffering through a heatwave, Australians are going through a rough winter with incredible winds. How powerful are the winds? Strong enough to send the falling water from the waterfalls shooting back up in the air.


Geekery Humor Weird news

Pastafarian Driver’s License

An Australian Austrian driver recently won the right to wear a spaghetti strainer on his head in his driver’s license as part of his Pastafarian religion.

Humor Weird news

Contortionist Thief Scores On Bus Rides

Usually contortionism is just use as a circus trick that gets some people sexually excited, but one man with notable contortionist skills was able to use his ability for ill-gotten gains by riding in the luggage compartment on a bus and stealing from the other passenger’s luggage while the bus was operating.