
Rape Hase Been Classified As A War Tactic

The UN has decided to classify rape as a weapon of war, allowing them to develop strategies to fight back against the abuse.

The council has shown that it affects not only the women, but the whole community. Many war-plagued countries have had a sickening outburst of rapes lately and this proposition will aim to stop the violence. In Congo alone, 40 women are raped daily, sometimes even by supposed “peace keepers” set to protect them.

Hopefully this will greatly affect the people who use this tactic in war, but that has yet to be seen.

Story via Boing Boing. More info on the UN proposition available here. Most info on the use of Rape in the Congo here.


Enema Statue Unveiled At Russian Health Spa

Enema Statue FunA lot of my current traffic is brought in from people searching for enema stories, thanks to my innocent Ema Enema story. As a result, I thought this story would be an appropriate addition for you strange enema affectionados.

Neatorama has the story of a health spa in Russia that has unveiled a beautiful statue to celebrate their long time use of the enema as a healing practice. Goes the quote:

“We administer enemas nearly every day,” said Alexander Kharchenko, the head of the sanatorium which specializes in treating illnesses of the digestion tract.

“So, I thought, why not use our sense of humor and give it a monument,” he said of the bronze statue that stands about 1.5 meters high.

More power to you Khacrchenko. If you’re interested, the full story can be found here.


“Know Jesus Know Heaven” People Are Dangerous

Be afraidNeatorama recently wrote a post about the likelihood of a driver having road rage being directly related to the number of bumper stickers on their car. The study performed by the Colorado State University at Fort Collins showed that drivers with bumper stickers were 16% more likely to have road rage than those that didn’t. Things such as car model and condition were shown to have no impact on the likelihood a driver has road rage.

A bumper sticker on the painted trunk of a vehicle may help the paint to look like new and it will be less faded. Unless the paint quality on your vehicle is incredibly low, the decals are highly unlikely to remove or affect the pain on the car anyway, to make your own and give them a personal touch, try this printer for stickers.

Politics Sickening

Republicans More Tasteless Than Pedophile Jokes

Tasteless, ick.These buttons were being sold at the Republican convention. Seriously. People need a beat down sometimes. Did I miss something, is Goldwater running again? Is it 1953?

I bet Obama, Japan would be pissed, they need Barack to win so they can cash in on the tourism.

Advertising Politics Sickening

Sickening: Army Creating Arcades to Market To Children

How many of you knew that the Army recently hired its first ever Chief Marketing Officer? If that isn’t bad enough, Mr. ideas man decided to launch a fun arcade type of place to show kids how cool the Army is.

While I am not against advertising in anyway, tricking kids into thinking military service is fun so you can ship them off to Iraq is not cool. Not cool at all.

Interesting New Products or Services

Geeky Cakes Gallore

Geek Crafts has posted 13 most excellent dork cakes for your every need. I have to say, I need these.

If only my birthday were closer.


Do You Believe in God Because You’re Stupid?

Stupid or just fat?Or maybe you’re stupid because you believe in god. A researcher from the University of Ulster has shown a link between IQ and religious beliefs; noting that the more intelligence a person has, the less likely they are to believe in god.

I once saw a study that showed that being fat made men more stupid. So does that mean that fat men with low IQs are the most likely to believe in god? It sounds reasonable to me.

What are your thoughts, does religion make you a fat retard or do you just believe in religion more because you’re a fat retard? Or am I just a horrible sinner for asking this?

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Weirdest Names Ever

I love this list from Neatorama featuring the 10 weirdest names ever. My favorites include:

• Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (Pronounced “albin”).

• Nicholas Unless-Jesus-Christ-Had-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned Barbon (Dick Assman, bad Simpsons joke or poor fool with a bad name1640 – 1698). Nicholas’ shall we say “unique” name apparently ran in the family: his father was Praise-God Barbon

• @. And finally, let’s go full circle to “@,” pronounced “ai ta” or “love him” by an unidentified Chinese couple.


Toilet Training: A survival Guide For Public Restrooms

Names, numbers, pictures and dirty words are scattered across the walls. Trying to focus on the messages in a futile attempt to ignore the gagging scent radiating from the other unflushed stalls, you choose a stall. This one is the cleanest, though the seat is decorated with beads of urine. After flushing, you dash from the room to escape catching any additional germs.

Whether called a men’s/lady’s room, crapper, toilet or restroom, going to a public lavatory can be quite a terrifying experience. The above scene is all too common in San Francisco’s bathrooms, indicating only one thing;many Bay Area residents have never learned what to do once inside these fortresses of stink.


Does the Luck Cancel Out After About 20?

Lucky much?Farmer discovers 21 leaf clover….wowzers.