
Kirby Bloody Cake


This Kirby cake is too sad, but absolutely hillarious. Poor wittle Kirby.


Hello Kitty Weddings A Bit Too Cute

hello_kitty_5Despite evidence to the contrary, I actually am completely in favor of having unique, individualized weddings. On the other hand, there are some things that are just so saccrine sweet I can’t stand them. These Hello Kitty dresses happen to be some of those things.


This just in…

Hallmark’s New Slogan: We Care So You Don’t Have To.

Crafts Fashion Geekery

Star Trek Corset

il_430xn54213112I love how sexy yet absolutely dorkish this Star Trek corset is.

Art Politics

Oil Painting Of Bush/Shoe Incident

9992456b8b24a2b6_picture_17previewIf you have any extra money lying about the house, buy this painting immediately. How can you not afford to have this hung about your house? I know it can’t quite depict his cat-like agility, but come on people!


Tough Guy Teddy

teddybearforgrownups_thumbI think every man could use this handy little kit inside the teddy bear. It has traditional romance and is filled with all the things you need to make a night “special” with your lady.


Jesus Hates Zombies

200902040931I love this comic book idea. Seriously, what could be better than Jesus beating the pants off zombies? Thank you Yesbutnobutyes.


I’m in Good Company

hemingwayMental Floss posted a recent article detailing 6 wordsmiths who had trouble spelling.

Those of you who follow my works on a regular basis may have noticed I occassionally have issues myself -and that’s with a trusty spellchecker on hand.

Thank you Mental Floss for boosting my confidence today.

Interesting Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Fetish Art By Superman Creator

I love that the co-creator of Superman did some awesome fetish art. They look fantastic and it’s so subversive. Take a look.

Interesting Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Time For A Change: Bush Becomes Obama Street

Some pranksters in San Francisco changed the name of Bush Street to Obama Street last night, just in time for the inaguration. This is particularly amusing to me, since I used to live there. Check it out.