Are you ready for a 3 pound, 26 inch long behemoth of a gummy worm? Ready or not, here it is.
Category: Interesting
Weird, bizzare, funny or otherwise interesting things that don’t belong in any other catagories.
The Silly Hobbies of 6 Brutal Dictators
Did you know Saddam loved to write crappy romance novels or that Osama loves volleyball? Learn more absurd facts about some of the most terrifying men on earth with this funny Cracked article.
Check out the signs from the rally to restore sanity seen on Flickr. The set is hilarious, including this great one taken by webjedi.
15 Real Hobbit Houses
If you wanted one of those awesome hobbit houses seen in Lord of The Rings, then you’re sure to be jealous of these cool houses pictured on WebEcoist.
12 Cool Chopsticks
If you think chopsticks are boring, you haven’t seen these awesome ones I featured on Oddee.
Via The Real.
Scary Regional Monsters
While vampires and warewolves are cool, most people don’t actually believe in their existence. These seven regional creatures are notable not only because they are said to be seen only in select areas, but also because so many people genuinely believe in them.
9 More Tales of the Undead
If you liked the Mental Floss post from earlier this week about undead creatures from around the world, be sure to check out part two of the series.
Bruce Campbell has become an ordained minister and is marrying one lucky couple at ZomBcon today!