Food Funny

The Colonel’s Rap Training LP

Ever wonder how KFC once trained its new employees in 1987? I didn’t either, but I was delightfully surprised when I found out it involved a terrible corporate rap about how to make fried chicken and fries. Listen to the MP3 here.

New Products or Services Politics

Fight The TSA Scanners

Wanna exercise your rights during your preflight pornography scan? Remind scanners that their searches violate our Fourth Amendment rights with these awesome underwear and teeshirts that use metalic ink so they show up in the pornoscanners.


The Weirdest Bands Ever

Boobs and rock go together better than gravy and mashed potatoes, which is why the All Girl Topless Band of 1960’s Las Vegas has to be the best band on this list of hilariously strange bands.


The Strangest Restuarants Ever

In honor of your day of feasting, enjoy this great Mental Floss article showing some of the most bizarre restaurants in the world, including a hospital-themed restaurant and one restaurant that operates out of a prison.

Food Holidays

Answering The Stupidest Turkey Questions

If you think scrubbing a turkey with bleach for three hours is a good way to kill the bacteria, you might not be a redneck, but you might be one of the idiots who call the Butterball turkey hotline every year. Happy almost Thanksgiving everyone.

Image via atomicshark [Flickr]

Food History

Great Homemade Christmas Gifts

If you’re short on cash this year, making your own presents is a great way to save on money and give a heartfelt gift. Over on my other blog, The Cheapskate’s Handbook, I wrote a great list of great gifts you can make at home, including these delicious candied orange slices seen on The Repressed Pastry Chef.


Maximizing Your Jell-O Per Shot

Ever wonder how much vodka can go into a Jell-O shot without it falling apart or how much you can add before it stops tasting good? My Science Project has all the answers you could want.


12 Creepy Abandoned Skyscrapers

From Rio to Detroit, the recession has resulted in a lot of fabulous skyscrapers being left as scraps. Many of these buildings are gorgeous, sterling examples of architecture from long ago now inhabited by nothing but ghosts.

Animals Interesting

Pig Walks On Two Legs

What do you do when your pig is born with only two legs? Teach it to walk, of course.

Animals Politics

One Thing The TSA Could Prevent

While the TSA has managed to prove its uselessness and incompetence time and time again, here’s one accident they could have actually done something about. So sure, having to throw away water bottles and nail clippers is idiotic, at least bag X Rays ensure no one smuggles a live crocodile onto a plane which will terrify everyone and cause 20 people to die in a crash. Funny enough, I think this is the nicest thing I’ve said about the organization ever.