Between ethernet plug rings and circuit board earrings, these pieces of jewelry are undoubtedly the dorkiest ever.
Category: Interesting
Weird, bizzare, funny or otherwise interesting things that don’t belong in any other catagories.
Air Sex Championships 2010
Like watching porno actresses work but hate the actual sex? Then the Air Sex World Championships are right down your alley.
Have you ever wondered why old ladies sometimes have blue or purple hair? As it turns out, there are motives and mistakes that lead to the hair bluing. First off, many older women find their hair starts turning an ivory/yellow color that is hardly attractive.
To fix this, many of them turn to blue hair rinses that can balance out the yellow color…unfortunately, as you age, your eyes become less sensitive to the color blue so many of them use way too much blue rinse. In their eyes, their hair is a nice, even shade of white, while the rest of us see a bright blue mess.
Blue hair is becoming less common these days because fewer people smoke, reducing yellowing of the hair, and because better home hair dyes are available, so fewer women run the risk of bluing their locks with a rinse.
Images via Andersedin and Blue Diamond Photography [Flickr]
Disturbingly Morbid Doll Pictures
Artist Frances Glessner Lee created dioramas of famous unsolved crime scenes from the 1930’s and 40’s. They are part of a documentary by Susan Marks called “Of Dolls and Murder.”
Disney/Pixar’s Toy Tron
I don’t know about you, but I’d certainly go see it.
Seriously, how rad is this Bioshock bento box? See more awesome video game themed bento boxes here.
Now matter how you slice it, David Tennant’s recent engagement to Georgia Moffat is pretty darn strange. It has nothing to do with their age difference or the jealousies of so many single women. Instead it has everything to do with Doctor Who.
In the show, Georgia played the daughter of The Doctor (played by Tennant). In real life, Georgia is the daughter of Peter Davidson, who played the fifth incarnation of the Doctor. That means that either way, The Doctor is marrying his daughter.
It may be a little past due, but I’d feel remiss if I passed up the opportunity to share the results of the 2010 Turkey Jell-o Mold contest with you.
The Weirdest Insurance Policies Ever
If you were so religious and so conceited that you were really convinced that the second coming of Christ would involve you or one of your sisters, wouldn’t you be excited and not be running out to get insurance against the miracle? Three women from England weren’t and they’re not alone in their purchases of insane insurance policies.
Image via dshaboy [Flickr]
Murderous Bus Driver Resigns
File this under weirdest reason to lose a job: a bus driver in Illinois recently resigned from his job after this YouTube video of him running over a snowman caused public outrage.