Ever wonder how to prolong your beautiful jack-o-lantern from becoming a pile of mush? My Science Project has taken a fascinating look at common remedies for pumpkin preservation and found that applying bleach and Pumpkin Fresh are the two best means for preservation, but that applying nothing to the pumpkin can also be a safe option. I only wish they tried WD-40, which was suggested by Extreme Pumpkin master Tom Nardone.
Category: Holidays
RTD Halloween Extravaganza!
Good news! In honor of the coolest holiday in America, we’re going to be exclusively limiting our content to Halloween-related topics this week. Hope you enjoy the festivities.
As long as I’m making one of these rare site announcements, I’d also like to ask if any of our regular readers know anything about Word Press layouts. Specifically how to make my archives look like the homepage instead of a list like they appear now.
Looking for a Halloween costume that makes people ask “WTF?” This blow up doll outfit is a great way to terrify most people you see and turn on the rest of them.
I Can Haz Halloween?
If you love LOL cats as much as I do, you’re sure to be excited about these awesome LOLmart limited edition Halloween tees. They’re only available for a few more days, so go check them out. And for the record, I get no bonuses for promoting these, I just think they’re awesome.