Category: Holidays
If you’re still looking for a Christmas gift for that special someone, The House of Mouse is a great place to start shopping. They offer adorable handmade mouse Christmas ornaments in the styling of Yoda, Harry Potter, Frodo, David Tennant and more delightfully geeky characters. Get a Dumble Doormouse here.
What’s better than a regular gingerbread house? A haunted one! See more weird gingerbread houses on this great Mental Floss post.
Save Room For Pumpkin Pie
If you’re ready for Christmas shopping, then enjoy the spirit of commercialism with this hilarious article on terrible Christmas gifts.
If you think scrubbing a turkey with bleach for three hours is a good way to kill the bacteria, you might not be a redneck, but you might be one of the idiots who call the Butterball turkey hotline every year. Happy almost Thanksgiving everyone.
Image via atomicshark [Flickr]
Now that Halloween has passed, it just might be time to admit that the creaky noise in the attic is really a mouse not a ghost and that your flickering lights might be a wiring problem, not a sign of a distressed spirit. If you’re ready to face up to the science behind your haunted house, the buzzkills over at Consumer Reports have some interesting stories about the real causes for these spooky problems.
Image via Darkpatator
For more cute meerkat Halloween pictures, visit Daily Mail.
Scary Regional Monsters
While vampires and warewolves are cool, most people don’t actually believe in their existence. These seven regional creatures are notable not only because they are said to be seen only in select areas, but also because so many people genuinely believe in them.
9 More Tales of the Undead
If you liked the Mental Floss post from earlier this week about undead creatures from around the world, be sure to check out part two of the series.