Entertainment Geekery Interesting

Beware the Pikathulhu

I desperately need this awesome pikathulhu plushie. Anyone know more about it?

Crafts Entertainment Geekery

Dalek With Zippered Interior

I don’t know about you, but I wish I had the knitting skills to follow the instructions to make my own Dalek plush.

Art Entertainment Geekery

Lil Star Wars Characters

Because you need some cuteness today.

Art Entertainment Geekery

Simpsons/Pulp Fiction Mash Up

If only they’d make this into an actual episode.

Entertainment Geekery Travel

Mad Max Renenactments

What happens when a bunch of geeks obsessed with Mad Max get together in the desert to live out their favorite post-apocalyptic movie? Pure awesomeness.

Entertainment Funny Geekery Movies TV Videos

When Doctor Who Meets Friends

The show could have been so, so terrible.

Crafts Entertainment Geekery

Adorable & Geeky Crochet

If you love crafts and geekery, then you’ll love these crocheted sci fi creations on Mental Floss.

Entertainment Geekery Movies TV Travel

10 Geeky Meccas

No matter what type of a geek you are, you’ll almost certainly want to visit at least one of these tourist destinations based around sci fi and fantasy works. Personally, I’d love to visit Cardiff Bay in Whales, where countless Doctor Who episodes have been filmed, along with pretty much all of Torchwood.

Entertainment Funny Videos

Fight For Your Right Revisited

I know it’s long, but it’s worth watching all the way through.

Art Entertainment Interesting

15 Insane Hello Kitty Tattoos

A few of these people make me want to change the article title to People Who Need to Get Slapped, but the ones like this make it all worthwhile.