Did you know Jackie Chan had eye widening surgery or that Rita Hayworth was once a Mexican dancer named Margarita Carmen Cansino? Learn more about celebrity ethnic makeovers in this Cracked article.
Category: Entertainment
The 8 Worst X Men Ever
Seriously, see-through skin is this guy’s only power and he’s not even the worst on this Cracked list of terrible X Men.
As if there were any questions about how awesome Johnny Depp was, these seven great stories will crush all doubt in your mind. Seriously, the man really is a pirate.
Sweet Science Fiction Furnishings
Mental Floss has some great science fiction furniture article, including this awesome H.R. Giger table set. It’s certainly worth a look no matter what kind of scifi you’re into.
Geometry Vs. Harry Potter
Corpse Bride Cosplay Art
Deviant Art user Malro Doll specializes in cool cosplay costumes, settings and photos. The result is impressively accurate to the original works.
Did you know the Easter egg was invented by someone who was pissed at the gaming company they worked for or that Laura Craft’s rack was devised only because a programer accidentally made them too big? Learn more about these funny glitches on Cracked.
How To Be Lego Indiana Jones
I know Halloween is a good while away, but it’s never too early to appreciate great costumes like this.
What more needs to be said, other than AWESOME?
The Dude’s Rug
Part of the Quentin Vs. Coen Art Show, this Big Lebowski rug really ties the room together.