I couldn’t help but post this both here and at Neatorama, I mean, it’s a dog riding a tricyle. I love Japan.
I couldn’t help but post this both here and at Neatorama, I mean, it’s a dog riding a tricyle. I love Japan.
Seriously, what boy wouldn’t want a videogame controller that also worked as a masturbation device? I think I want the female version.
I love this photo set depicting the real life of a stormtrooper. It’s good to know they do other things with their lives, outside of trying to keep down the rebel forces.
Just try and look away. Link here.
This was one of the funniest clips I’ve seen in a long long time.
This video killed me. The whole “we aren’t racist” thing is so damn hillarious, her husband only has a swastika tattoo because he likes the artwork.
Thanks Miss Celina for this great Australian Kotex commercial.
These are so great. Check out more here.
This video is brilliant. Poor depressed kitty.