Animals Videos

Is Your Croc Ready For Halloween?

If you didn’t think crocodiles were cute, think again. They’re downright precious when they happen to be dwarf caimans dressed as Iron Man.

Animals Videos

Lookout Parrot Arrested In Columbia

While police missed an opportunity to use the world’s cutest handcuffs, the jail bird who warned his drug-dealing owners to run is still plenty cute on his own.

Animals Videos

Animals Waterskiing

The other day I posted a video of a waterskiing elephant, but it turns out they’re not the only animal with skiing skills. Check out these other adorable waterskiing critters:





There’s also a waterskiing horse, but the video can’t be embedded.

Animals Videos

A Water Skiing Elephant!

You probably already know that elephants are pretty awesome, but did you know they can water ski, paint, wash cars and do all sorts of other awesome things? This Neatorama article will make you love pachyderms even more…if that’s even possible.

Animals Videos

Baby Porcupine Eating A Banana

Yay, your daily dose of adorable!


Sea Lion Sit Ups Video

It’s the Eye of the Tiger Walrus!


Chimp and A Dog Getting On The Subway

Read more about cute animals trying to enjoy public transit on this excellent Mental Floss article.


Just In Time For the Re-Release

Avatar: The Bootleg. Personally, I think this “documentary” would be better than the actual movie.

Geekery Videos

F- Me Ray Bradbury

Speaking of great authors, while I do have a definitive lust for the written word, I have to say that I would never actually want to make love to Ray Bradbury or Kurt Vonnegut, no matter how much I adore their works.

Funny enough, there is an image of Ray Bradbury watching this steamy video tribute to his greatness. Something tells me he wouldn’t turn her down.

Animals Videos

Monkeys Hate Flying Squirrels and Torture

Monkey Torture by The State

I always loved this State sketch, but apparently his job is actually real according to a headline in The Christian Science Monitor, “Monkeys hate flying squirrels, report monkey-annoyance experts.” Good to know there’s a career for all of those unused Bush fact checkers that are now out of a job.