Animals Videos

Getting In Shape For Bikini Season

It’s so much harder when you have such short, stubby legs.

Entertainment Humor Other Arts & Entertainment Videos

The Worst Rap Cover Ever

Oh whities, when will you ever learn?

Animals Videos

Happy Birthday Maru!!!

The world’s favorite kitty is now five years old! (The video is from his birthday last year.)

Animals Videos

The Puppy Who Thinks He’s A Wolf

Sure he might only be a little guy, but he already knows what he wants to be when he grows up.

Holidays Videos

You’d Better Behave Thhis Christmas

A Krampus Carol by Anthony Bordain reminds us why we’d better be good the next 364 days of the year.

Console Games Entertainment Geekery Holidays Videos

Angry Birds Christmas Lights

Yes, this game really does work, and yes, it is freaking amazing.

Holidays Humor Videos

I’m Santa & I Know It

Animals Holidays Videos

Oskar The Blind Kitten Discovers Christmas

It might just look like an artificial Christmas tree to you, but to a kitten with no eyes, it feels and smells just like a giant kitty scratching post.

Animals Videos Wildlife

Watch a Porpucine Eating Corn

Animals Videos

This Raccoon Thinks It’s Human

It’s official, I want to adopt a raccoon now.