I am selling quite a few clothes on eBay right now and will be listing more throughout the week. Stop by and check out my merchandise by clicking here or here.
Category: Awesome sites
Fun and interesting things across the net
Bye Bye Baby
One of the best sites on the internet, Pandora.com is likely going to be shut down soon. Consumerist has the scoop. Music fans around the nation should be upset today. They had one of the best new music recomendation engines ever created and royalties are crushing them. Tears.
Dogville Shorts
At Comic Con, I was lucky enough to be introduced to the brilliance that is the Dogville shorts. These “Barkies” are hilarious, perhaps animal abuse, but hey…it was the 20’s. You won’t believe how cute the costumes are, particularly on some of the girl dogs. They actually have plots. Bad plots for the most part, but the adorable dogs with decent enough plots actually make them worth watching. Plus, I’ve decided they are the ultimate party/bar films for something that people will look up at and say “WTF,” without actually stopping to watch the screen for too long.
These short films using dogs as actors were collected and compilled into one bootleg DVD that you can buy from this site. I’m not trying to sell these to you, but I will say this DVD was the best thing I bought at the comic con and that’s the only place I can seem to find them for sale.
The Naughty Side Of Disney
I’ve always promised myself that as soon as I got a 100% on a Mental Floss Quiz I would share it with all of you. I’m so glad then, that this is the quiz I happened to do so well on, because it is awesome.
I love the occasional seemingly racist or sexual things you find in Disney films. That being said, I highly recommend you all go take this quiz.
Steampunk Designs And Fashion
Web Urbanist has some excellent examples of Steampunk designs and what not. It’s definately a good follow up to the first set of Comic Con pics I posted yesterday.
While I’m on the subject, read this great imaginary letter where Timothy McSweeney tries to explain to his parents that he’s into steampunk. Via Boing Boing.
I’m in Love…With A Shirt
To be more specific, this absolutely, wonderful kitty laser vission shirt made by Threadless. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I love Threadless. If you wanna see more, visit www.threadless.com.
Cutest things EVER.
Dales Designs made an absolutely adorable baby animal alphabet.
I only wish he’d now make a LOL version.
Oh how I love my LOLZ. And baby animals. Together….they can take down the world.
If Daily Goodness Here Isn’t Enough
Perhaps a daily dose of music you’ve probably never heard before will do the trick. 365 is a really cool music project logging and tracking the weirdest and most obscure music in the universe -one song a day for 365 days a year. 2007 and 2003 are already completed. I hope there’s some great stuff in line for 2008.
Here’s some tunes du jour if you’re interested in hearing something new.
I’m kinda digging my b-Day songs as well.
Where YouTube Clips Go To Die
You know all those peices that were pulled from YouTube for copyright infringement? You can find out more about them on YouTomb.
YouTomb will even tell you how long the video was up before it was pulled, and at whos request the peice was removed. It also shows a chart of how often the video was viewed before being pulled.
Too Much Good Stuff
I am in coolness overload with this awesome post on WebUrbanist featuring 20 examples
of fantastic geek art.
Mad props to the Firefox graffiti. Don’t forget to check out the skeltons of famous cartoon characters by Hyungkoo Lee.