
Adolf Hitler’s Mom Wants Him Back

This video killed me. The whole “we aren’t racist” thing is so damn hillarious, her husband only has a swastika tattoo because he likes the artwork.

Awesome sites

Mail Order Husbands

This is by far one of the funniest websites I’ve seen, ever.

These dirt bags are availible at a wide range of prices. I love the compatability test and the article in Mail Order Brides Monthly. This is gold:

“Q: What does it cost the parties involved?

Art: It all depends on the demand. We have an excellent variety of quality bachelors, and the highest demand is for men around 30 years old with lots of hair. For example if you want to order a 52 year old bald man who has bad psioriasis, well then maybe $600.. but say we had a candidate that looked like a young Erik Estrada, well that kind of product doesn’t last long, we typically charge around $9,000.”

Awesome sites Humor Sex Travel

Fun in Japanese Porn Shops

Because I love you dear readers, I wanted to share with you one of my favorite blog posts on any site ever. A trip to a Japanese Sex Shop. Plus, there’s now an update with a link to all sorts of other disturbing sex items from Japan. You’ll either be tickled with humor or disgusted, so it’s certainly worth a trip to the post.


No On Prop 8 Video

On top of having some great points, this video is super funny.

Pamper Your Beaver

Thanks Miss Celina for this great Australian Kotex commercial.


10 Awesome Animal Videos

These are so great. Check out more here.


Henri, The Deepest Cat Ever

This video is brilliant. Poor depressed kitty.


Hillariously bad cooking

This is too funny, these geeks try to cook a Ramsay disk and epicly fail. Enjoy and be sure to watch the explaination of what a souflee is!

Awesome sites

Muttskis is Live

Bosco says you should check out my new blog dedicated to adorable little mutts. Hip Hip hooray!

Awesome sites Fashion Geekery

Threadless Sale

Threadless rocks. They’re having another great sale going right now. Shirts start at $5. I like the vampire kit above, this one’s only $15. Awesome.