This wedding proposal that was actually created by the company that puts out Borderlands is so ultimately geeky and cute that it made me tear up the first time I saw it. For more awesomely nerdy proposals, check out the 8 I wrote up for Neatorama and the 12 recently featured on Oddee. If you’ve ever wanted to ask a gamer, blogger, or any other type of geek to marry you, there are some great ideas in there too.
Category: Awesome sites
Fun and interesting things across the net
This incredible movie is made with nothing more than knitting and sewing techniques put together in a stop motion video. Pretty cool huh?
Here’s some cool street art that won’t leave you deflated. I’m sorry, it was just too easy to resist.
If you enjoy watching convicted sex offenders sing “Pretty Woman” and watching grown men hump inflated toys, then you’ll love this list of the creepiest YouTube videos ever.
Literally Unbelievable
Sometimes it’s easy to forget that not everyone has heard of The Onion. It’s even easier to take for granted the fact that most people have strong enough sarcasm detectors to realize the stories are satire. Fortunately, through the miracle of social networking, we can now find and laugh at those who don’t get the joke thanks to the new Tumblr blog Literally Unbelievable.
Superhero Dinosaurs
Regular superheros are just so boring these days with their opposable thumbs and high-level cognitive abilities. That’s why Flickr user d.r3sto’s collection of superhero dinosaurs is so bad ass.
The show could have been so, so terrible.
The 8 Most Obsessed Weirdos
Check out my latest Oddee articles, filled with utterly bizarre and obsessive weirdos.