Animals Humor Videos

How to Turn Off Your Cat

That’s a trick all vets and cat owners should know!

Animals Videos Wildlife

The Orangutan & The Hound

Disney, get on this story, now!

Console Games Entertainment Movies TV Videos

Bollywood Meets The Guild

Animals Nature Videos Wildlife

Awesome Koala Fight Video

You might want to watch it on mute to ignore the idiotic narration, but then you’d miss the crazy noises these critters make when they go at it.

Animals Videos

French Bulldogs Riding On Swings

Is there anything cuter, ever?

Animals Videos Wildlife

Lion Loves His Ducky

This is just plain adorable. Nothing more, nothing less.

Animals Nature Videos

Dog With Prosthetic Paws

This is both touching and amazing.

Animals Lol kittehs Videos

Obligatory Maru Video

It’s been a while, so we were in need of some more Maru.

Art Humor Videos

Translating An Artist’s Statement

If you’ve ever heard the pretentious crap artists spew out about their own work and wondered what the hell it actually means. Here’s a great video translation.

Funny Geekery Videos

Legoland Workers Prank Boss

Now these guys know how to pull a great prank.