Awesome sites Food Humor

Fuck You Yelper!

Yelp is a great place to find reviews from ordinary people, but sometimes it also serves as a reminder of what douchebags ordinary people can be. Fuck You Yelper collects some of the most annoying, racist and stupid reviews on Yelp and puts them together for your spiteful pleasure.

Animals Humor Videos

Synchronized Licking

This would be the most entertaining Olympic sport ever.

Geekery Humor Movies TV Videos

Harry Potter’s Gettin’ Sexy

Oh Snapple!

Animals Videos

Now There’s a Talented Pup!

Useful dog tricks is right.

Animals Humor Videos

Dramatic Chihuahua

Duh duh dun!!!!

Geekery Humor Travel Videos

Darth Visits Disneyland

To promote the re-opening of Star Tours, Disney released this great video of Darth Vader taking a trip to the park.

Animals Humor Videos

Static Dog

Via Ever So Strange

Geekery Humor Videos Weddings

Selfish Trolls Meet The Gollum

What happens when you invite a bunch of reality TV trolls to a geektastic wedding featuring Gollum? Pure hilarity.

Animals Entertainment Humor Videos

What A Stupid Fucking Cat

To switch it up after all those dog posts, here’s a stupid fucking cat.

Animals Humor Videos

Boston Terrier Noises Rock

What the heck kind of noise is that you little cutie?