
Most Adorable Deer Baby Ever…Thanks to Cute Overload

Too Cute!!!!Cute Overload has the cutest little deer with an equally sweet story attached. A couple found this little baby deer on the side of the road where its mommy was just ran over. The couple took it upon themselves to nurse the baby back to health.

It hangs out with kitties, takes walks and tries to nurse on a Great Dane. How much more adorable can you get?

On the discussion side of things, what will happen to little Jet grows up? Surely they can’t have a full grown deer in their house and I don’t think you can just let a little guy like that back into the wild. I’m not saying what they did isn’t sweet and wonderful, but what do you think they will need to do in the future?

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Pussy and the Little Mouse, How Cute!!!!

awww, too cuteThe Daily Mail has a story about a regular house cat who has become best friends with bear at a zoo in Berlin. It’s seriously f-ing adorable. They had to put the bear, Maeuschen -or “little mouse,” away while they renovated his living space and his buddy, Muschi -German for “pussy,” wailed outside of his cage without him. Keepers put the kitty back in the bear cage and they cuddled and were happy again. I’m going to go cry and vomit while filled with this cuteness. Excuse me.

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Lol kittehs

Emo Death Cab For Cutie Dog Lolz

I noaw pozess ur heart

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Lol kittehs

Lol D’Jour

Mean mean panda

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Mmmmm…Land Shrimp, Eat Insects

Land Shrimp, AKA crickets

Slate has an interesting article on why you should eat insects. They’re healthy, reduce pesticides and are practically the same as eating crustaceans. Who wants a cricket pie?

Lol kittehs

Make Your Own Lol Kitteh

I love Lol Kitties more than life itself, I find them adorkable and funny. If you wanna make your own, here’s how.


Kitteh Find a kitty picture you want to use.


Ponder your caption. Make sure it suits the picture and is cute or funny. Now try to mess with the spellings.


Add text to the picture using MS Paint or Photoshop. Here’s where you add your caption to the kitty pic.


Upload the image to the interwebz. Some of the best places include, the comments page for Rue The Day, your personal myspace page and flickr.

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Lol kittehs

So So sleepy

Me right nowSo Rue The Day is a fun blog full of nonsensical internet links, lol kittehs, quotes, music reviews, short stories, etc. Basically, it’s a good place to waste some of your precious time. There’s lots more to say, but right now, I’m tired. Let me drink some more soda and we’ll really get started.

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