Comic Con isn’t just about sexy girls.That’s why I’m happy to bring you this second photo gallery filled with over 100 costumes from the convention…of course, plenty of them still include hotties, but who’s complaining, really.
Let’s start off with everyone’s favorite sexy costume, the slave girl Leia.
There’s always tons of stormtroopers, but the sand people costume is pretty rare.
Thanks to Christina Rose for pointing out that she was Shiva from Final Fantasy X.
A surfing shaddowtrooper, you don’t see that every day.
A good clean shaddowtrooper is hard to come by.
Of course, even Darth and Boba have moved on to sweet new careers in the human trafficking industry.
Rebel alliance female pilot from the 40’s.
These days, Star Wars pretty much owns the convention, but you still see the occasional Trekie.
Harry Potters are also pretty common, but the owl was a great touch here.
Similarly, an Indiana with a golden idol, good call.
Good costume, stupid movie. I know a lot of people like it, but blah.
How perfect is this guy for the part?
Apparently there was some huge zombie convention going on outside.
An easy costume that’s still so cool.
This girl was a little too grown up and sexy to play the part, but I’ll take it.
I’m a David Tennant fan myself, but a Doctor Who costume is still pretty cool no matter what Doctor involved.
East Bound and Down was giving out free hats with mullets in exchange for your willingness to take a picture with it on.
Can someone tell me where my chippy is?
I’m impressed she made this herself.
They’re making their respective characters look good.
Wolverine is always a favorite.
Nick Fury, thanks Tom.
Thank you Tom for figuring out that these girls are Black Canary, Power Girl and Huntress.
There are so many joker varieties, who’s your favorite?
I like the idea of them being bloodied.
They are cute too.
Why is Harley Quinn always so sexy?
Ok, she’s not too sexy here, but she’s still cute.
She was so proud to be Wonder Woman.
Apeman suggests he is from Space Cabbie.
Hey Dick, how’s it hanging?
I love seeing someone his age wearing spandex so bravely.
Ragman, Enchantress, Nightmaster, Phantom Stranger and Blue Devil, thanks apefrog
Because every menopausal woman needs someone to look up to.
Here’s a good array of heroes for your viewing pleasure.
A great costume of an awesome character.
These guys really love their country.
Go Teen Titans.
She was part of a big group, but they were all napping by the time we came by.
Tom, thanks for letting me know they are from Natruto.
I love the idea of a Jack Skellington with a more human head and this guy had the perfect skinniness to pull it off.
Hetalia, thank you Cassie.
Sabre from Fate Stay Night, thanks Cassie and B-Weird.
Princess Leia’s are a dime a dozen these days, but Heman is a rarity.
I hope they don’t ruin these guys with the movie.
I like her costume, but I want to know why I never see any other Cowboy Bebop characters.
Everyone, thanks for clearing up that he is from Bleach.
Quail Man to the rescue.
Is it cheating to repurpose a sexy Halloween costume?
Here’s the Turtle Hermit and another character from Dragon Ball.
I couldn’t tell if they were pretending to be real yiffs or not, but I wasn’t about to touch their fur to find out.
These inflatable costumes were adorable.
I was never a huge fan…until now.
Video Games:
I bet he runs really fast in those sweet pajamas.
This is one of the coolest couple’s costumes I’ve seen.
The best thing about Chung Li is how she jumps up and down after winning a fight.
Thanks Prisma for explaining that he is Raiden from Metal Gear Solid.
Are they all from Resident Evil?
Yoshi is the best, ever.
Bowser and the plant monster, yay!!!
Halo would be a lot cooler if it was more about the blue chick and less about the army guys.
Love the link.
This one was a little off the beaten path, all the way up at the Sony SEO barbecue in Miramar.
Thanks everyone for labeling them as Final Fantasy characters.
A lot of my unknown list was from Final Fantasy.
I guess I’m just not hip.
I was bummed I didn’t get to see this girl in her Rayman Ravin Rabbids costume, but at least I got to see her carrying it.
I love Katamari and I love their costumes!
Steam Punk:
This costume was just adorable really.
Who doesn’t love a steampunk hippo?
This is a musical group called Steam Powered Giraffe.
Steampunk was so huge this year that many booths gave people free clothes for the weekend to help promote their stuff. These hotties were included.
Won’t you please save the sperels?
Why is this Secret Service agent protecting Pedobear?
More Hot Babes:
This burlesque girl had a new sexy costume every day. Too bad the fat toad insisted on making her try to hard-sell all of their books.
The one on the left is working for the Empire, and now that the other is Lady Gaga, can someone else explain WHY?
This girl gave away free popsicles on roller skates. I’m in love.
Lovely lolita.
I love this little lolita’s pouty face.
I thought she was supposed to be a sexy version of the Penguin until she got into her magician’s pose.
I consider myself a pretty big geek, but even I can’t recognize everyone. If you know where a certain costume comes from that’s in this last section, let me know in the comments. While everyone was waiting for the masquerade costume contest, they passed the time by dancing or sleeping. I liked the dancers.
Yes, they are evil cheerleaders, but from where?
These guys actually had girls lining up for a photo with them.
Thanks to FVector for pointing out that this young gent was Gallian from the Valkyria Chronicles.
Now obviously this gentleman is a pirate, but does anyone know where his costume is from, or is it just a general pirate?
This woman was actually working at a booth, but I forgot to take note of which booth.
Am I just posing with a generic naked guy at the Tim and Eric Awesome Con, or is he actually in the show?
I think his whole costume was just computer junk boy, but if you recognize him from something, let me know.
This dog is in a turtle costume because it’s cute. No more needs to be said.
Are they just a ninja and soldier or are they supposed to go together somehow?
The one at right is scarecrow, and the one on the left is Victor Zsasz, but who is the middle girl?
Thanks Christina for pointing out that this is the Tokidoki character Adios.
They had great costumes, but are they actually from anything?
19 replies on “Comic Con Costumes From 2010”
For the unknown:
The first devil thing is from BLEACH, I think.
Then the two pink haired ladies is from Final Fantasy XIII, the left one is Lightning.
The one with a giant sword is Cloud from Final Fantasy VII.
The bunny ears is Fran from Final Fantasy XII. I cosplayed that once. :-3
The chick on the right of the one that works for the empire is Lady GaGa. Not sure how she fits in.
Raiden from Metal Gear Solid series
Cloud from FF VII?
[…] posts and photos involving Comic Con. There are over 100 more costume pictures from this year on my blog, along with some from 2009 and 2008. I also have a collection from last year featured on Neatorama, […]
Devil thing is Ichigo from Bleach.
I don’t know either.
Ladies with pink hair look like characters from Final Fantasy, maybe.
Lady in black is the Black Canary, white is Power Girl, purple is the Huntress.
Ninja including the fish guy are all from Natruto.
Big sword guys is Cloud Strife From Final Fantasy 7.
Bunny ears is another Final Fantasy character.
Then, skipping down the expendables guy is probably supposed to be Nick Fury.
for the last bit,
1.Devil dude with the white horns is from a manga called “bleach”
4. DC superheros “Black Canary”, “Power Girl”, n “Hunteress”
5. Manga “Naruto”
6. Game “Final Fantasy”
Third in movies is Shiva from Final Fantasy 13
Eleven in animation — Red hair is Reno from Final Fantasy 7
The woman in orange looks like she a Rebel Alliance pilot…that’s the symbol on her helmet. Maybe a retro-style version?
The first blue girl is Shiva from FFX (Final Fantasy Ten)
The Redhead guy standing with the Turtle Hermit is Reno from FF7
And the bald person with line scratches is Victor Szasz.
The guy with the huge sword and sunglasses is Cloud from FF7
And the bunny girl under the picture of Cloud is Fran from Final Fantasy 12
-Can you name them all?
DC Comics: Ragman, Enchantress, Nightmaster, Phantom Stranger, Blue Devil
-And what is his space man costume from?
Space Cabbie or one of the similar heroes (DC Comics)
– Are they just a ninja and soldier or are they supposed to go together somehow?
Metal Gear Solid?
3rd last, guy with the knife on the left is Victor Zsasz.
Unkown with the sunflower and tomato are from Hetalia. The unknown anime one with the sword and the blue dress… Fate Stay Night?
The girl with the sword and blue dress is Sabre from Fate/Stay Night (Anime)
The 40’s pilot girl is based off a rebel pilot from Star Wars. look @ colors and the rebel symbol on her hat.
Also, in your picture of turtle hermit and another “unidentified” dbz character. That’s Reno from Final Fantasy 7. /google
The guy in the blue military-style costume is wearing the Gallian uniform from the game and animation Valkyria Chronicles.
Here’s a pic as reference –
I was the blue girl. The costume is Shiva from Final Fantasy X, not Star Wars, lol.
The adoreable death thing is a Tokidoki character named Adios. He’s usually seen hanging around with his girlfriend Ciao Ciao but she’s nowhere to be seen in that picture! Here’s a pic:
Noted and changed, thanks everyone!
Last pic… Final Fantasy , random crowd members bottom right of game screen during movie part… forget what game number i think xII or xI lol