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Few things are universally agreeable. But the fact that 2020 is the shittiest year in at least the last 50 years is not debatable. With that in mind, it seems appropriate to make your Christmas gifts for 2020 as memorable as this terrible year itself.
Plenty of people get a new ornament for their tree each year that helps them recall the events of that past year. In 2020, there are few ornaments more fitting than this toilet reindeer.
It’s always nice to give something a little sweet for Christmas, but this year, let’s be honest with the people on our list that we don’t know well enough to get something more substantial and just tell them to eat a dick already.
While we’re on the subject, here’s something certain to tickle your lady-friend’s fancy while reminding them that they are most certainly on the naughty list.
Some people seem determined to be kids forever. Here’s a way to say “I accept you, but also, you’re a total prick” -meet the Dickosaurus.
We’re all hoping something beautiful will eventually grow out of the pile of shit that was 2020, and there may be no better way to express that sentiment than with this piece of shit in a box that is actually a clump of dirt filled with wildflower seeds. Really, this gift isn’t half as shitty as it seems
Shopping for a doomsayer who keeps saying that 2021 isn’t going to be any better than 2020? Then remind them of how crappy life can be with this calendar of dogs pooping. Besides, who doesn’t love a good dog calendar?
Some people are always talking about how terrible everything is, but still constantly dream about a way to make the world better. This crayon set with offensive color names like “boner pill blue” and “suspicious cold sore” is a perfect way to remind them of the realities of their world while letting them draw a more pleasant place to be.
Ordinarily, you couldn’t give this Christmas dick mug to a co-worker without getting reported to HR. But this year, you just might be lucky enough to end up with your co-worker’s addresses and that means you can send this anonymously without putting your job on the line.
Looking for more products well suited to 2020? Don’t miss this list of items that can make your continued quarantine slightly less terrible. And if you’re looking for something new to do while you’re bored at home, don’t miss these great DIY kits featured on Etsy.
Note: While we only post about things we actually enjoy, this post may contain affiliate links which could provide us a small commission for any related sales
By now, we’re all getting used to being locked in our house and staying six feet away from everyone. While officials are discussing reopening America, experts warn that the coronavirus will be around a lot longer than we’d all like. Indeed, even if you can go back to the office in the next month or two, bars, clubs, social gatherings and more are likely to remain closed to encourage social distancing for the foreseeable future. These products are a great way to help keep your spirits up through what will likely be the first year without a summer since 1816. As a bonus, since they’re all sold through Etsy, you’ll be helping to support small businesses, artisans and crafters who can all use a little boost right now.
While no one really wants to cuddle with Covid-19, if you are feeling some severe anxiety about the global pandemic, cuddling with a cute and cuddly coronavirus crochet plushie like this one by Skyz Wonders might help you feel a little more comfortable with our current situation.
With our reality changing so dramatically in so little time, it’s only natural that many of us have been having some strange dreams as of late. Stir Crazy Folk Art did an amazing job expressing some of these strange feelings with this charmingly strange quarantine dreams painting.
Ain’t no party like a quarantine birthday party because a quarantine birthday party isn’t really a birthday party at all but an exercise in fighting of the horrendous loneliness we’re all feeling right now. Yeah, sorry about that birthday boys and girls, but if you want to try to get your spirits up despite the isolation, this quarantine birthday party banner by A Banner Boutique is a great place to start.
There’s no better way to relax after a hard day than a nice scented candle and this one is here to remind you that you’re doing your part by staying the fuck home. Of course, a trip to Costco right now will make you long to come home and light up this stay the fuck at home candle by Baum Design Shop.
These days, everyone needs hand sanitizer wherever they go. But why settle for something that ravages your hands, when you could instead get luxurious, botanical-filled hand sanitizer that still meets the CDC’s minimum requirements for 60% ethanol alcohol? This pink lemonade hand sanitizer is moisturizing and still kills 99.9% of germs according to seller Love Amour Propre.
We all need some higher power to believe in right now and many people are finding no better source of comfort than Dr. Fauci. You can send your prayers his way with this charming Dr. Fauci prayer candle by Alternative Waxx.
Since you’re no longer supposed to leave your house without a face mask these days, you may as well get one that you’re proud to wear. This leather cthulhu tentacles face mask by Uchronictime also helps you with social distancing.
It’s more important than ever to shorten the distance between you and your loved ones (from a metaphorical standpoint while always staying at least six feet away). With that in mind reach across the divide with this lovely card by The New Aesthetic that clarifies “I washed my hands before writing this card.”
Note: While we only post about things we actually enjoy, this post may contain affiliate links which could provide us a small commission for any related sales.
We love geek goodies, but the reality is that many pop culture gifts are fun, but they don’t always look great with a put together outfit or stylish home decor. These special handmade gifts actually meet the definition of “geek chic.”
For the caped crusader in your life, it’s hard to beat this gorgeous engraved decanter set the comes in its own box. You can even have custom etching added to both the box and the glassware for free. Like the set, but not buying for a Batman fan? Luxurious Gift Shop also sells sets with Star Wars, Game of Thrones and plenty of other geek favorites.
Yes, there are probably thousands of ways people can customize Minnie Mouse ear headbands, but this Groot headband by BlondeAutumns is both adorable and tastefully-nature inspired.
This Toothless ring by AF Jewelry Studio is just subtle enough to fit in with most outfits while still adding a touch of geek flair to any outfit.
Whether used to decorate your desk at work or your mantle at home, this Pokemon glacier terrarium by Pallet Crafts by Xev has the beauty of a snowglobe and crystal light fused in one cute and striking accessory.
If you are looking for a straight razor to buy, but you don’t know which one is the best for your needs, you can fine the one that you need at |
We all have the friend who thinks posters are something you should have outgrown in college, but still wants nerdy artwork for his walls. This Alien carving by Engraver’s Dungeon Art is simply stunning and miles away from the type of thing you’d expect to see in a dorm room. The seller also sells artworks based on Star Wars, It, True Detective and more.
Sometimes wearing a zany tie is overkill, but a man still wants to share his nerdy side. That’s where this tasteful D20 tie clip by Doctor Gus comes in.
There’s nothing quite like an original painting to brighten up a room, but why settle for a painting without a little Whovian touch when you can have one that subtly features the TARDIS in a notably appropriate scene. Kat Martin also sells works with Groot, Rick and Morty characters and more.
For more great gift ideas, be sure to check out this Etsy gift guide with goodies that are all under $30.
This site contains affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you purchase items through this article, but it’s worth mentioning we genuinely like the items we link to.
It’s Halloween time again (finally) and if you like to wear your love for the holiday on your sleeve, or chest, or hat, you’ll want to check out these cool skull pins from Santos Demonios.
Want something a little more adorable, but still a touch scary? Then you might just love this adorable Muppet-style monster. It comes in all kinds of colors, including the purple and green ones pictured, as well as blue, orange and red.
Each cool, spooky pin is laboriously casted, sanded and hand painted, meaning your pin will be entirely one-of-a-kind. You can even reach out to the seller if you have a custom color combination you’re just dying to make into a reality.
Dumpster fire is such a commonly used term these days that it was even added to Merriam-Webster in 2018. But it’s one thing to say you’re surrounded by dumpster fires and another thing to illustrate your point actually surround yourself with burning dumpsters. Unfortunately, that isn’t only impractical to do in most apartments, it’s also a fire hazard and rather stinky. Not to worry though, because Dumpster Fire Candles has you covered with tiny dumpsters in an array of colors and scents that look and smell a lot better than the real thing. In fact, some of the scents sound pretty yummy, like You Ruined Christmas, which smells like “cedar wood, fir and shitty gifts” or Resting Beach Face that features “ocean, orchid and judgment.”
Looking for something that maybe doesn’t look like a dumpster fire, but actually smells like one? Don’t worry, Wilderness Road Wicks has just what you’re looking for with their White House Dumpster Fire candle, which smells of “smells like the embers of the Constitution, festering piles of fresh hell, and schemes of peculation.” Alternatively, you can buy some Trump Repellent which the listing reads is “for when you want to chase away all the covfefe and Make America America Again. We promise this candle contains no artificial orange colorants or alternative fact additives.”
It’s all enough to make you need to be Heavily Medicated!
Some people like to put up a few cobwebs and fake crows around their house to make it ready for Halloween, but there are others who really want kids to earn their candy by facing their fears as they fearfully creep up the walkway to the front door. If you fall in the second category, then you know it’s time to start decorating because horrific haunts won’t build themselves. While you’re planning this year’s spooky spectacular, here are a few delightfully dark decorations you might want to add to your scream scene.
There are almost as many ways for people to create spooky rotting corpses as there are ways for corpses to disintegrate after death. Ultimately, the decision on which technique to use should come down to your budget, your time constraints and which end result you prefer for your spooky setting. Here are a few methods you might want to look into: Instructables user BeautyandBeast’s method involves liquid latex, panty hose and craft paint; Instructables user Spyridoula Nemesis suggests using plastic tarps, a heat gun and wood stain; and Yard Haunt uses cheese cloth, wood stain, spray adhesive and spray paint.
If you’re not that crafty or just don’t have the time to invest, you can always buy a precorpsed skeleton like this creepy cat one by Junebugsjunktique on Etsy. Just do a search for “corpsed skeleton.”
What’s better than a creepy corpse? How about one that moves, leaving it to eternally attempt to crawl from the grave into our mortal world? This tutorial by Yard Haunt can show you how to really creep out the kiddos this year.
Here’s another idea for fake skeletons -create a creepy spider web complete with the remains of its human victims. Hector Turner’s creation process seems fairly simple as it involves little more than plastic wrap, cotton batting, glue and fake spider webs. You can also do this on a corpsified skeleton to make a really chilling scene.
Admittedly, this skeletal wreath by Mommy With No Money is cool, but not terrifying in its current form. If you corpsify your skeleton before bundling it into a wreath though, it’s easy to imagine that this greeting piece could become downright ghastly.
Alternatively, if you prefer to buy a wreath rather than make your own, while most of the designs on Etsy are cutesy, this one by Anastasia Artifacts is pretty cool, though again, it could have been way scarier if the bones were corpsed first.
You don’t always have to go full gore to set a scene. In fact, sometimes showing less can be even more scary, like this dead body wrapped up in plastic. Best of all, since all you need to make this prop is newspapers, trash bags, string and duct tape, the whole thing costs about $3 in supplies.
Even those that didn’t like The Ring still agreed that the well-dwelling little girl was totally terrifying. Lothar’s Lair has a tutorial to make one of your very own and, best of all, it’s motorized so your guests can howl in fear as they see the monstrous girl climbing from your stone well.
Wire, wood, PVC, drywall mud, latex and burlap can be amazingly spooky when put together just right. In fact, Halloween Forum user jimmyzdc used these materials to create a uniquely creepy version of the Grim Reaper and he was even kind enough to include all the steps so you can create your own.
If you want to go with an overall theme but are tired of graveyards and horror flicks, this idea by Better Homes and Gardens is refreshingly different. Their “Dead & Breakfast” is both creepy and charming -just like some real B&Bs. Their layout has some truly wonderful details and we particularly love the welcome sign and the lonely bride.
If you love the dead and breakfast idea and want a sign to really help sell the theme, Etsy has a huge array of Dead and Breakfast signs that feature a wide variety of fonts, sizes, imagery and hanging styles. We’re big fans of this Sleepy Hollow Dead and Breakfast sign by KatydidCraftsShop.
Here’s another scarecrow idea sure to scare the pants of your Halloween guests. It’s truly amazing how nightmarish a skull covered in wet burlap can look. Add some sticks for the arms, a hat and a coat and you’ll have people getting goose bumps before they even get to your doorbell.
This cool video technique by Instructables user davidandora can work for either a dark fairy tale or a haunting depending on the set up. The trick is to create a custom mirror frame that can hold (and hide) a flat screen monitor so you can show a ghostly image trapped inside the mirror.
Fans of Disney’s Haunted Mansion will immediately recognize this singing pumpkin illusion by Instructables user davidandora as the same one used on the singing busts in the graveyard scene. While the materials needed for this project aren’t cheap, if you already have access to a good projector, you might want to try this cool illusion at your house. The effect is particularly powerful when you surround your singers with regular carved Jack-o-lanterns. Just don’t be surprised when little ones get upset because they don’t know how those pumpkins have come to life.
Granted, the LEGO images used to illustrate this tutorial by DIY Hacks and How Tos isn’t particularly scary, but if you successfully incorporate this classic trick into your Halloween decorations, people are bound to be creeped out by the moving, translucent “ghost” you created.
Anyone who has ever wandered through the forest alone at night knows how eerie trees can be. This animated haunted soul tree by Instructables user dionicia12 is a great way to take advantage of those natural human fears. Even if you don’t quite have the skills to make the tree come alive, the basic design is pretty chilling even without movement.
Have any creepy Halloween decorations you’re particularly proud of? Share them with us in the comments!
It’s only natural for parents to hope their children follow in their footsteps and for geeks, that means getting their youngster to love sci fi, fantasy, video games and the like. These geek-themed nurseries and accessories are perfect for sparking a lifetime of geek fascination in any little one, and to find the best nursery furniture, such as comfortable rocking chairs for nursery which are great for many rooms.
When it comes to creating a nursery with a full Star Wars theme, this room featured on Apartment Therapy is perhaps the most impressive as it features lightsaber sconce nightlights, a wampa skin rug, Star Wars crib sheets, a starship mobile, a Boba Fett lamp and quote from the movie on the wall and pillow. Little Rocky M Olsen III is sure one lucky geek. If you are considering to purchase a light therapy lamp visit
If you just want the Star Wars crib sheets, you can make your own from Star Wars cloth, or you can order a custom set like this one made just for your crib courtesy of Etsy seller Pam and Ander.
A rocking horse is fun, but a rocking AT-AT, like this one by Epbot, is something every future nerd baby needs to pass their days away. Granted, only the Dark Side tends to use AT-ATs, but letting your little one rock away on any great Star Wars toy is a great one to get them started on the path to geekness.
Custom mobiles are always cool, but when they figure in some of the most iconic starships in the universe and the Death Star, they are hard to beat. If your little babe wants to sleep under the stars and dream of blowing up Empire ships, you’ll want to check out this one by Etsy seller ARCre8.
Sweet dreams are made of 1-ups. Or, at least, they can be if your little one falls asleep below this fantastic Mario mobile by Etsy seller IFeltinLoveBaby.
For those that like to go the DIY route, it’s hard to beat the Mario nursery by the bloggers at Blueberry W. They not only put up these adorable vinyl decals in their baby’s room, but also made their own Mario mobile from small plush toys.
Every little one needs something to cuddle with and whether your babe is a princess or a plumber (or even a gorilla named “Donkeyâ€), Etsy seller GeekUnique has you covered with their adorable 8-bit, game-inspired baby quilts.
Every parent wants their baby to be super, but if you really want to get them started off on the right path, why not put him or her to bed in a cozy superhero nursery like this one by The Diary of A Dame. With a super color scheme, Superman’s logo on the quilt and curtains and superhero paintings on the walls, the room is a clean and fitting tribute to the iconic heroes of both Marvel and DC.
So what do you hang over your baby’s superhero crib? How about this custom mobile by Etsy seller dropsofcolorshop? The seller will even customize the mobile with your choice of characters so you can make sure your little one grows up aspiring to be the right kind of hero, not just any old comic book character.
Finally, when you need to swaddle your babe up in a cozy heroic quilt, you wrap up your little one in this great superhero baby quilt by Yoderby Design.
A lot of people were disappointed with the ending of Lost, but those of us who watched the series know just how fascinating the show was during the first few seasons. For those little innocents who still haven’t seen the end of the show though, it still has the glimmer of promise and potential –which is why even those disillusioned by Lost can still enjoy this fantastic nursery based on the show by M&J Collection. The collection not only features the Lost bedding and décor you’d expect, but even Dharma Initiative baby food and an airplane mural.
You might not actually want your babe watching or reading the sex and violence in Game of Thrones until he or she is much, much older, but there’s no harm in letting them enjoy an adorable wall mural, like this one by Tumblr user Somepointless, featuring cartoon versions of all the house sigils.
Once you have a mural, you might as well add a matching mobile and Etsy seller VosKiss Store has just the thing you need when it comes to preparing your babe for the horror and excitement of the Red Wedding and the Battle of the Bastards.
If you like geek home décor, don’t miss our other articles on nerdy home theaters and amazing Star Wars furniture.
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We always like to round up hotties at the San Diego Comic Con and this year was no exception although our list is shorter than most years. Even so, here are the sexiest cosplays at the 2019 SDCC. Many of them used vibrating panties to make the presentation more sexy.
There’s always great costumes at the SDCC and this year was no exception. Here are some of our favorite cosplays from the 2019 San Diego Comic Con.
Here’s your turn to identify all the cosplays from the 2019 San Diego Comic Con that I don’t actually recognize!
Like these cosplays from the 2019 San Diego Comic Con? Then check out our past cosplay pictures from Comic Cons in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 as well as hot ladies at Comic Con from 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 and 2008, the hot guys from2016, 2012 and 2011 (there just aren’t as many most years) and both genders from 2015, 2017 and 2018. I also have pictures from WonderCon 2014 and 2013.